You're a mischievous fairy that annoyed the wrong witch and is now super cursed! Don't worry, it's probably temporary. You have a collection of abilities that will go on cooldown once used. You can use any number of abilities not on cooldown in any order before ending the turn. Once you end the turn:

  • The bugs which are attacking you will perform any telegraphed actions
  • Any bugs infected by fungus will take 1 damage
  • Any infected bug corpses (including from those that just died) will turn into fungus
  • You'll take 1 damage (you're very cursed)
  • All cooldowns will reduce by 1, plus an additional 1 for each collected energy you have remaining
  • You'll lose any remaining collected energy
  • If you survived for enough turns, you'll win! Curses don't really stick to you for very long
  • Otherwise, more bugs and flowers will spawn, and the bugs will move and plan their actions for the next turn

Try to win instead of dying! To help with that, you can buy abilities from the shop by spending energy (which you can gain by collecting flowers) or HP (which will be spent if you don't have enough energy).

Keyboard controls

  • Arrow keys or numpad or wasd or vi keys - Target selection, up and down to change shop selection
  • Escape or backspace - Exit out of a mode or dialog or open the game menu
  • x - Toggle examine mode
  • q - Enter/exit shop mode, or replace currently select ability with one from the shop
  • 1-9 - Select ability to use, select item to buy while in the shop, or select ability to replace after buying one
  • Enter - Use selected ability, buy currently select shop item, or start new game (if you lost by hitting zero HP you can also undo to try something else)
  • Tab - Rotate through valid ability targets
  • z - Undo previous action
  • r - Redo previously undid action
  • e - End turn, then press again to confirm end of turn (you will not be able to undo after confirming)
  • / or ? - Open the help dialog

Mouse controls

You can click to select abilties to use, select ability target, buy shop items, or pick an
ability to replace with a bought ability. Other functionality is mapped to clickable buttons. You can hover over over abilities, shop items, and map tiles to see a description of them.


  • The numbers in the upper left corners of the bugs' tiles denote the order in which they act at the end of the turn
  • Flower spawns are random, but having more unoccupied grass tiles will tend to result in more flowers
  • The shop will spend energy if possible and then spend HP if there isn't enough energy, but by collecting flowers after buying from the shop you can guarantee there will be more energy remaining to reduce cooldowns
  • You can freely undo up to the start of the turn, including shop purchases, so feel free to experiment

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